Info For You Lot Zulu People: Africa`S Warrior People From The Sky

The Zulu (Zulu: amaZulu) are the largest South African ethnic group, with an estimated 10–11 1000000 people living mainly inwards the province of KwaZulu-Natal. Small numbers also alive inwards Zimbabwe, Republic of Zambia as well as Mozambique. Their language, Zulu, is a Bantu language; to a greater extent than specifically, component subdivision of the Nguni subgroup. The Zulu Kingdom played a major role inwards South African history during the 19th as well as 20th centuries. Under apartheid, Zulu people were classed equally third-class citizens as well as suffered from state-sanctioned discrimination. They remain today the most numerous ethnic grouping inwards South Africa, as well as at nowadays take hold equal rights along with all other citizens.

                                                            Zulu people

The Zulu were originally a major clan inwards what is today Northern KwaZulu-Natal, founded ca. 1709 yesteryear Zulu kaNtombhela. In the Nguni languages, iZulu/iliZulu/liTulu agency heaven, or sky. At that time, the expanse was occupied yesteryear many large Nguni communities as well as clans (also called isizwe=nation, people or isibongo=clan).

                                                         Zulu people

Historical Origins of Zulu people
Around the Great Lake regions of Central as well as East Africa lived the Bantu, which inwards the linguistic communication of the Zulus is a collective substantive for ‘people’.  The Nguni people also lived inwards this part as well as they were the direct ancestors of the Zulu people.  They were called Zulu after the private who headed a migration from Arab Republic of Egypt to the Great Lakes via the corridor of the Red Sea.

                                        Zulu women of the Masai Mara. Circa 1910

 In Zulu folklore links are said to be betwixt the Zulu people, Egypt, the Old Testament as well as Israel.  The novel seat solid ground of the Ngumi people was called Embo.  Contemporary Zulu story tellers soundless refer to this mystical solid ground of Embo.  The Ngumi people existed equally pastoralists as well as subsistence farmers. Wealth was measured inwards cattle.  A practise soundless kept upwardly to this acquaint solar daytime as well as a custom which soundless exists inwards many regions of Africa.

                                     Zulu Motor cab. Circa 1910

Maladela or The Follower was the principal of 1 group.  He had discovered an idyllic fertile valley which he occupied with his numerous wives as well as the repose of his clan.  No shape of fundamental potency existed.  Clans consisted of patriarchal social units as well as the chiefdoms were ruled over yesteryear the most powerful clan.  These cohesive groups varied inwards size from around a grand people to much greater numbers where groups of chiefs were governed yesteryear an Overlord.  Spheres of influence as well as alliances were inwards a constant province of flux.
Malendala’s boy was called  Zulu which agency  Heaven.  Zulu’s wives travelled with him to a fresh expanse due south of the Mkhumbane river basin where really tall euphorbia trees grew.  These trees became the symbol of Zulu chiefs.  This became known equally the foremost Kwazulu or Place of Heaven.  Zulu built his novel seat based upon traditional designs.  This consisted of a fundamental as well as circular cattle fold.  A pole as well as thatched bee hive huts for seat unit of measurement members arranged inwards a crescent at the high sloping expanse of land.  The floors of the huts were made upwardly of a mix of anthill sand as well as cattle dung as well as polished to appear similar dark-green marble. The circular houses which were formed around the cattle units were placed inwards a strict hierarchical order.  Each occupation solid to the left was allocated for the men folk piece the houses on the right were for the women folk.  The fronts of each abode seat represented the populace arena.  A populace infinite where the whole community could come across piece at the dorsum of each occupation solid private religious ceremonies took place.

          SA president,Jacob Zumu doing his Zulu tribe`s ancient matrimony trip the calorie-free fantastic with his novel bride

Zulu Mythology on Creation
Zulu mythological God Mvelinqangi is believed to reside inwards the sky. Hence the call Lord of the Sky (Inkosi Yezulu). It is said that Mvelinqangi was relaxing when it was reported to him that 1 of the immature men had played a mischief. He had decided to ride Mvelinqangi`s sacred white horse. The immature human was instantly expelled from heaven. He was brought downwards on world through a hole inwards the sky. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 cord was tied around his waist as well as was brought down. He arrived on world as well as a reed was used to cutting the cord.
                                                            Zulu human as well as his wife. Circa 1910

Later Mvelinqangi saw the man child lonely as well as suffering on earth. Mvelinqangi had pity on him as well as sent a beautiful adult woman through the same process. That is how human as well as adult woman came to go on world equally 2 multiply.
                                    Beautiful Zulu lady inwards traditional attire

This myth indicates that humans originated from the Lord of the sky as well as before the white human brought his christian God as well as Islamic Allah, the dark African Zulu knows virtually the ancient God. He is the source of life to the Zulu. Perhaps that is why the Zulu people are referred to equally AMAZULU (People of the Sky). It is because the sky is their seat of origin, (Berglund 1973:36).
Another Zulu mythology associates the rootage of human life with the bed of reeds. Male Zulu greet 1 some other cordially with words like:  "Wena Wohlanga" (You of Reeds).

                              Zulu drummers as well as dancers

Rise of the Zulu people nether King Shaka Zulu during the "Mfecane / Difaqane" war.
The ascent of the Zulu people nether their King Shaka Zulu during the "Mfecane / Difaqane" state of war was 1 of the most important historical occurrences inwards the early on history of South Africa. The term Mfecane (Nguni languages) agency "destroyed inwards total war".The Sotho speaking people on the highveld used the term Difaqane, which means"hammering" or "forced migration/removal."
The Mfecane / Difaqane war,.. 
                                         Zulu human at Reed Dance

Whole communities of peoples were displaced inwards their flying from larger warring tribes. The winning tribes would oftentimes contain the losers into their tribes. Three key figures inwards this all out battle for powerfulness alongside the African tribes inwards Southern Africa were Dingiswayo (leader of the Mtethwa tribe), Zwide (leader of the Ndandwe tribe) as well as of course of instruction King Shaka. 

The Mfecane had a dandy influence on the history of South Africa. Large parts of the solid ground inwards Natal, the Transvaal as well as Free State were largely depopulated because people fled inwards droves to safer areas such equally the Transkei, the border of the Kalahari, the Soutpansberg as well as the acquaint solar daytime Lesotho. In consequence, these areas could non acquire by with the abrupt influx as well as became overpopulated. 

 are the largest South African ethnic grouping Info For You ZULU PEOPLE: AFRICA`S WARRIOR PEOPLE FROM THE SKY
Enlargement of a department of a 1885 map of South Africa showing geographical details of Zululand as well as Natal
Rise of the Zulu people nether King Shaka Zulu

After the Mfecane, the Black peoples were living inwards an expanse shaped similar a horseshoe. The Tswana as well as Pedi lived inwards the due west as well as the Venda, Shangaan, Tsonga as well as Swazi lived inwards the north. The Zulu people lived inwards the eastern component subdivision of the country, equally did the Sotho as well as the inhabitants of both Transkei as well as Ciskei. The whites took payoff of this province of affairs yesteryear moving into the empty areas as well as inwards this way the ethnic map of South Africa was changed completely. 

Many people died during the Mfecane. Violence as well as starvation were rampant, because the livestock was stolen as well as people could non remain long plenty inwards 1 seat to cultivate crops. Although hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives, it also gave ascent to the formation of large novel nations such equally the Sotho. The tribes of leaders such equally Dingane, Shaka, Mzilikazi as well as Soshangane were significantly strengthened as well as changed. 

Dingiswayo principal of the Mthethwa,... 

When Dingiswayo became leader of the Mthethwa, his main concern was to ameliorate the armed services scheme of his tribe. Young men of a similar historic period of time were divided into regiments. Each regiment had its ain name, color as well as weapons. The immature men were fifty-fifty required to remain celibate until such fourth dimension when they had proven themselves worthy of the call “warrior”. 

Dingiswayo’s regular army presently went from strength to strength as well as was employed inwards an endeavour to expand his territory. The regular army attacked smaller tribes which were allowed to go along their existence equally tribes, but only if they agreed to recognise him equally their paramount chief. Some of the tribes which were dominated inwards this way were the Thembu, Qwabe, Mshali Mngadi as well as the Zulus. 

 are the largest South African ethnic grouping Info For You ZULU PEOPLE: AFRICA`S WARRIOR PEOPLE FROM THE SKY
Zulu regular army on the attack

Shaka Rex of the Zulus,... 

The Zulus were initially a pocket-size tribe which recognised Dingiswayo equally its paramount chief. The tribe consisted of about 2 000 people as well as its tribal principal was Senzangakona. Shaka, his son, was born inwards around the twelvemonth 1787. Shaka as well as his woman parent Nandi could non acquire along with some of the other members of the seat unit of measurement as well as went to alive with Nandi’s family, alongside the Lungeni people. 

When Shaka was 16, his woman parent took him to the Mthethwa and, at the historic period of time of 22, he became a soldier inwards 1 of Dingiswayo's regiments. He was brave as well as intelligent as well as presently became leader of 1 of the regiments. When Senzangakona died inwards 1816, Sigujane, a half-brother of Shaka, became chief. Shaka, together with some other half-brother Ngwadi, plotted against Sigujane, who was presently murdered. 

                                                          Zulu kids

With a regiment borrowed from Dingiswayo, Shaka made himself principal of the Zulus. Shaka was an exceptional armed services leader as well as organised his armies with armed services precision. All the men younger than xl were divided into regiments, based on their age. Shaka built his upper-case missive of the alphabet at Bulawayo and, although he recognised Dingiswayo equally paramount chief, started incorporating smaller tribes into the Zulu nation. 

In 1819, when state of war broke out betwixt the Ndwandwe as well as Mthethwa, Dingiswayo was killed yesteryear Zwide, after which the defeated Mthethwa tribe was incorporated into Shaka’s tribe. In time, Shaka destroyed the Ndwandwe tribe completely. 

 are the largest South African ethnic grouping Info For You ZULU PEOPLE: AFRICA`S WARRIOR PEOPLE FROM THE SKY
Only known drawing of King Shaka standing with the long throwing assegai as well as the heavy shield inwards 1824 - 4 years before his death
Rise of the Zulu people nether King Shaka Zulu

He employed cunning armed services techniques such equally the following: when Zwide sent the Ndwandwe to assail Shaka, the latter hid the nutrient as well as led his people as well as cattle farther as well as farther away from the capital. Zwide’s regular army followed as well as Shaka’s soldiers waited until nighttime roughshod to assail them, when they were exhausted as well as hungry. 

The Ndwandwe regular army turned back, after which Shaka attacked as well as destroyed them. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 mo endeavour was made yesteryear Zwide later inwards 1819 to destroy Shaka, but in 1 lawsuit once again the Ndwandwe had no luck. After this attempt, Shaka ordered the consummate devastation of the Ndwandwe people. 

 are the largest South African ethnic grouping Info For You ZULU PEOPLE: AFRICA`S WARRIOR PEOPLE FROM THE SKY
Warrior Utimuni, nephew of King Shaka, commander of 1 of Shaka's regiments

Shaka went on destroying several smaller tribes until Natal was practically depopulated. The Zulus eventually grew into a mighty nation when Shaka succeeded inwards uniting all the people inwards his chiefdom nether his rule. In 1828, 2 of Shaka's half-brothers, Dingane as well as Mahlangane, murdered him as well as Dingane took his seat equally leader. 
Dingane, Shaka's successor,... 

Dingane’s upper-case missive of the alphabet was built at Umgungundlovu. He was non equally expert a soldier equally Shaka as well as this caused his defeat inwards many of his wars. In monastic say to combat the decline of his kingdom, Dingane decided to kill a few of import leaders. 

One of these leaders, Ngeto (of the Qwabe tribe), realised that his life was inwards danger and, after gathering his people as well as livestock, fled southwards as well as settled inwards the Mpondo district, from which he himself started to assail other tribes. Dingane presently sent soldiers to contend the Mpondo people but he also launched attacks against Mzilikazi as well as the Voortrekkers. 

 are the largest South African ethnic grouping Info For You ZULU PEOPLE: AFRICA`S WARRIOR PEOPLE FROM THE SKY
Sketch of King Dingane at the murder of PietRetief as well as his men.
Rise of the Zulu people nether King Shaka Zulu

On 3 Feb 1838, Dingane's tribesmen killed Piet Retief, together with 67 of his followers, during an ambush. Retief had an understanding with Dingane that if he succeeded inwards returning Dingane's cattle that had been stolen yesteryear Sikonyela, the Voortrekkers would go allowed to purchase solid ground from him as well as his people. 

When the Voortrekkers returned with the stolen cattle, they were killed. The Voortrekkers swore vengeance as well as Dingane's regular army was defeated at Blood River on sixteen Dec 1838 yesteryear Andries Pretorius. Dingane’s expiry brought with it an terminate to the extermination wars waged yesteryear him as well as his armies. However, inwards other parts of the country, the Mfecane continued nether leaders such equally Msilikazi, Soshangane as well as Sikonyela. 

Mzilikazi Rex of the Matabele,... 

Another pocket-size Nguni tribe that was forced to bring together Zwide’s Ndwandwe tribe was called the Khumalo. The Khumalo tribe was suspected of treachery during the state of war against Dingiswayo’s Mthethwa as well as its leader, Mashobane, was summoned to Zwide’s kraal as well as killed. Zwide appointed Mzilikazi equally the novel leader of the Khumalo. 

He was an intelligent leader who knew how to gain the trust of the tribes that had been incorporated into his own. Trouble started when Mzilikazi began to suspect that Zwide wanted to kill him. In preparation, Mzilikazi formed an alliance with Shaka, who allowed him to go the leader of 1 of his regiments. 

 are the largest South African ethnic grouping Info For You ZULU PEOPLE: AFRICA`S WARRIOR PEOPLE FROM THE SKY
Watercolour sketch of Mzilikazi, principal of the Khumalo tribe as well as later Rex of the Matabele

In 1821, Mzilikazi felt strong plenty to go independent. Shaka sent him to assail a pocket-size Sotho tribe northwest of Zululand and, equally always, he brought dorsum with him a number of cattle taken during the battle. However, this fourth dimension he did non paw them over to Shaka equally he had done before. When Shaka sent his messengers to collect the cattle, Mzilikazi refused to homecoming them. After this, he was attacked yesteryear Shaka's regular army as well as had no choice but to flee with his people. 

Mzilikazi trekked northwards with his people until he reached the Olifants (Elephants) River. He was at nowadays inwards the territory of powerful Sotho tribes, which he attacked, taking their women, children as well as livestock. He attacked tribes equally far equally Tswanaland as well as overpowered them yesteryear the armed services tactics perfected yesteryear the Zulus. His tribe eventually became known equally the Matabele. 

Mzilikazi decided to trek to the fundamental Transvaal as well as he eventually settled inwards the vicinity of what is today known equally Pretoria. He moved because he needed to pose fifty-fifty to a greater extent than distance betwixt himself as well as Shaka as well as he was also inwards demand of to a greater extent than grazing land. After this move, his tribe became fifty-fifty to a greater extent than bloodthirsty. 
                                                  Zulu women

When the Voortrekkers came on the scene inwards 1836, Mzilikazi in 1 lawsuit once again went on the attack. At Vegkop, the Voortrekkers succeeded inwards defeating the Matebele, but they lost all their cattle. In 1837, the Voortrekkers in 1 lawsuit once again succeeded inwards defeating the Matebele at Mosega as well as the Voortrekkers, nether the leadership of Potgieter, recovered some of their stolen cattle. 

The Matabele so moved away only to go defeated yesteryear the Zulus. In an endeavour to acquire away from his enemies, Mzilikazi crossed the Soutpansberg Mountains as well as the Limpopo River into which is today known equally Republic of Zimbabwe inwards 1868. He died in that location a some years later. 

 are the largest South African ethnic grouping Info For You ZULU PEOPLE: AFRICA`S WARRIOR PEOPLE FROM THE SKY
Induna inwards total regalia, call for a principal or a commander of a grouping of Zulu warriors appointed yesteryear the king
Rise of the Zulu people nether King Shaka Zulu

Chief Soshangane,... 

After the tribes of Zwide, Soshangane, Zwangendaba as well as Nxaba,had been defeated yesteryear Shaka, they fled to Mozambique. There, they destroyed the Portuguese settlement at Delagoa Bay. 

As the Mfecane continued, the solid ground was devastated as well as tribes were attacked. Much impairment was done. Soshangane's upper-case missive of the alphabet was nigh the modern solar daytime Maputo as well as Shaka attacked him hither inwards the crusade that cost Shaka’s life. Soshangane so moved on to Middle Sabie as well as settled nigh Zwangendaba as well as his people. 

The tribes of Soshangane as well as Zwangendaba coexisted inwards harmony until 1831, when they went to war. Zwangendaba had to flee before Soshangane, after which Soshangane, went on to assail Nxaba, who responded yesteryear fleeing with his followers to the present-day Tanzania. 

With Soshangane’s biggest enemies out of the way, he began edifice his Gaza Kingdom. From his capital, Chaimite, soldiers were sent inwards all directions to assail other tribes. Even the Portuguese were forced to take him equally paramount chief. 

His kingdom stretched from the Zambezi to the Limpopo Rivers as well as his regular army resembled that of the Zulus inwards its armed services strategies. As Soshangane grew older, he began to believe that the Matshangano had bewitched him. In retaliation, he attacked them as well as many fled to the Transvaal where their descendants soundless alive today. Soshangane died around the twelvemonth 1826. 
 are the largest South African ethnic grouping Info For You ZULU PEOPLE: AFRICA`S WARRIOR PEOPLE FROM THE SKY
A icon of Cetshwayo kaMpande (circa 1826 - Feb 8, 1884) who was the Rex of the Zulus from 1872 to 1879 as well as their leader during the Anglo / Zulu War.

Sikonyela as well as his woman parent Mmantatise,... 

During the early on 19th century, 2 of the biggest Nguni tribes, the Hlubi as well as the Ngwane, lived nigh the present-day Wakkerstroom. The Hlubi were nether the leadership of Mpangazita as well as Matiwane was the leader of the Ngwane. The Zulus had forced these 2 tribes across the Drakensberg Mountains into Sotho territory, which meant the start of the Mfecane for the Sotho tribes. 

The foremost tribe to go attacked was the Batlokwa. The tribe’s principal had exactly died as well as his successor, Sikonyela, was soundless likewise immature to rule. His mother, Mmantatise was a strong leader as well as ruled inwards his place. After the Hlubi tribe defeated the Batlokwa, they took to wandering around as well as attacking other tribes as well as tribes such equally the Bafokeng were forced to flee. The Batlokwa eventually settled at Butha-Buthe, a mount stronghold. 
 are the largest South African ethnic grouping Info For You ZULU PEOPLE: AFRICA`S WARRIOR PEOPLE FROM THE SKY
Zulus warriors on a post menu from the tardily 1800s
Rise of the Zulu people nether King Shaka Zulu

Moshweshwe was living on the mount with his pocket-size tribe as well as after repeatedly attacking Mmantatise, Moshweshwe’s tribe moved to Peka. There they continued the Mfecane as well as defeated the Hlubi. Sikonyela was yesteryear at nowadays old plenty to Pb the Batlokwa inwards battle and, inwards 1824, they made some other endeavour to re-conquer Moshweshwe’s mount stronghold at Butha Buthe. 

The mount was surrounded inwards monastic say to halt the Sotho people from obtaining food. After 2 months, a Nguni tribe came to Moshweshwe’s rescue as well as the Batlokwa were forced to leave. The Batlokwa afterward went to settle on 2 other mountains. In 1852, Moshweshwe finally drove the Batlokwa away. 

Moshweshwe builder of the Sotho empire,... 

Moshweshwe, the builder of the Sotho empire, was born inwards 1793. His woman parent belonged to the Bafokeng tribe as well as his begetter was principal of the Bakwena tribe. When the Mfecane began inwards 1816, Moshweshwe was 23 years old. During the early on years of his chieftainship, leaders such equally Shaka, Dingane as well as Mzilikazi were waging the destructive wars of the Mfecane. 
 are the largest South African ethnic grouping Info For You ZULU PEOPLE: AFRICA`S WARRIOR PEOPLE FROM THE SKY
1885 map of Southern Africa showing the British possessions

Many of the people who got caught upwardly inwards these wars turned to Moshweshwe for refuge. He took them all inwards as well as his tribe grew bigger as well as stronger. In 1823, Moshweshwe established Butha-Buthe equally the upper-case missive of the alphabet of his chiefdom. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 twelvemonth later, he established a safer stronghold at Thaba Bosigo. 
Zulu Dancers

This mount stronghold was so secure that when Mzilikazi attacked it inwards 1831, he had to plow dorsum without accomplishing anything. Moshweshwe was a diplomatic as well as powerful leader as well as was likewise clever to seek to expand his territory northwards because he knew that this would incur the wrath of strong leaders such equally Mzilikazi, Shaka as well as Dingane. 
Ceshtwayo kaMpande, one-time King of the Zulu

The linguistic communication of the Zulu people is "isiZulu", a Bantu language; to a greater extent than specifically, component subdivision of the Nguni subgroup. Zulu is the most widely spoken linguistic communication inwards South Africa, where it is an official language. More than one-half of the South African population are able to empathize it, with over nine 1000000 first-language as well as over fifteen 1000000 second-language speakers. Many Zulu people also talk Afrikaans, English, Portuguese, Xitsonga, Sesotho as well as others from alongside South Africa's 11 official languages.
Zulu Dancer

Traditionally, the Zulu economic scheme depended upon cattle as well as a considerable amount of agriculture. Villages were economically self-sufficient. Agriculture was the sphere of women, whereas cattle were tended yesteryear the men. Crops grown were mealies, Kaffir maize, pumpkins, watermelons, calabashes, native saccharide reeds, as well as diverse kinds of tubers as well as beans. Although in that location was considerable ritual as well as magic associated with agriculture, the most impressive agricultural ceremonial was the First Fruits ceremony. This was held tardily inwards December, as well as inwards it the Rex partook of the novel crops. The ceremony also included a magical strengthening of the Rex as well as a full general armed services review.
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 man's wealth was counted inwards cattle. Cattle provided the mainstays of the diet (meat as well as amasi, a shape of soured milk), hides for article of apparel as well as shields, equally good equally the agency of acquiring wives through lobola, or bride-price. In addition, cattle had enormous ritual value. 
                                                         Cattle inwards Zululand 
 The Sacrifice of cattle was the fundamental religious rite as well as the agency of propitiating ancestors. Zulu life has changed substantially inwards modern South Africa. The Zulu similar most rural dark South Africans are poor. Traditional economical patterns do non generate adequate income. The women go along to remain at seat as well as pursue subsistence agriculture. The men seek piece of work inwards the cities, but because their educational achievements are commonly limited, the opportunities are commonly limited to depression paying jobs. Cattle go along to go the primary symbol of wealth, although modern Zulus oftentimes take hold only a few herds. As a result, they at nowadays rarely slaughter moo-cow for meat, but primarily for ritual purposes. 
                                       Zulu men doing their traditional state of war dance
Commercial Activities. A dual economic scheme of subsistence horticulture as well as a marketplace seat economic scheme was characteristic of the tardily nineteenth century as well as the early on component subdivision of the twentieth century. This province of affairs gradually changed when the Zulu were crowded onto insufficient solid ground as well as forced to piece of work for coin inwards monastic say to pay taxes.

                                               Zulu adult woman taking her repose at her she sells her traditional wares

The Zulu engage inwards small-scale trading equally component subdivision of the informal sector to supplement the coin that members of the household earn yesteryear working inwards cities as well as pocket-size towns. Few Zulu people engage inwards serious commercial activities. Professional jobs are the main avenue for economical development. Although horticulture is soundless practiced inwards rural areas, in that location is full general dependence on the commercial marketplace seat for food. Small-scale agriculture but supplements a family's income.

                                              Zulu women selling at the market
Industrial Arts. The Zulu people's main economical activities take hold traditionally been horticulture as well as tending cattle as well as goats. The hoe is the main industrial implement, as well as the grinding rock was an of import implement inwards the house, although its significance has been fading. Historically, the Zulu also engaged inwards hunting.
                      Traditional Zulu beer pot - Ukhamba

 That is why they make izagila (knobkerries or assegais) and imikhonto (spears) of tremendous diversity as well as artistic sophistication. Both of these hunting implements were also used inwards warfare. Sticks as well as knobkerries also were used inwards combat competitions organized equally component subdivision of ceremonial dances. Women made a make of pottery goods used equally cooking, storing, as well as eating utensils.
                                Lidded Basket, ca. 1990s

 Those utensils are soundless made yesteryear those who take hold learned the merchandise as well as are sold inwards markets. However, cooking is done mostly inwards steel pots. Palm woven crafts such equally baskets, mats, beer strainers, as well as vessel lids are made for commercial purposes.
Tightly woven Zulu baskets.  These paw woven African baskets are a truthful fine art shape as well as are functional, beautiful as well as decorative equally good equally a testament to fine weaving skills.  Zulu baskets are considered some of the most collectible baskets inwards the world.  Master Zulu weavers are published as well as collected worldwide.

 Zulu beadwork is at nowadays mainly made for tourists as well as specific ceremonies. In a few places traditional Zulu wearing apparel is soundless worn.
Zulu Ceremonial Ax inwards Beaded Sheath

The Unique Aspect of Zulu Beadwork
What makes Zulu beadwork unique is the code yesteryear which particular colours are selected as well as combined inwards diverse decorative geometrical designs inwards monastic say to convey messages. The geometric shapes themselves take hold particular significance as well as the arts and crafts itself forms a linguistic communication devoted alone to the aspect of ideas, feelings as well as facts related to behaviour as well as relations betwixt the sexes.

Meaning of Symbols
The Zulu beadwork linguistic communication is deceptively simple: it uses 1 basic geometric shape, the triangle, as well as 7 basic colours. The triangle's 3 corners correspond father, woman parent as well as child. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 triangle pointing downwards represents as well as single woman; pointing upwardly it represents an single man. Two triangles joined at their bases represented a married woman, piece 2 triangles joined at their points, inwards an hourglass shape, correspond a married man.

Meaning of Bead Colours
The 7 basic colours tin go used to convey a negative or a positive meaning, equally follows:
Positive Meaning
Negative Meaning
Blackmarriage, regenerationsorrow, despair, death
Bluefidelity, a requestill feeling, hostility
Yellowwealth, a garden, industry, fertilitythirst, badness, withering away
Greencontentment, domestic blissillness,discord
Pinkhigh birth, an oath, a promisepoverty, laziness
Redphysical love, strong emotionanger, heartache, impatience
Whitespiritual love, purity, virginity(no negative meaning)

Trade. No major merchandise was a traditional component subdivision of the Zulu culture. However, the KwaZulu-Natal Province is at nowadays accessible yesteryear sea, air, as well as route for commercial trade.

Zulu Basket
Division of Labor. The sectionalization of labor within a household is mainly betwixt men as well as women. Traditionally, men provided economical safety for the household, protected the household, led ceremonial activities inwards the household, as well as did exterior physical tasks such equally tending livestock, edifice kraals, as well as edifice novel houses. Men regard themselves equally providers for their households, as well as to flora the condition of a household head, work is imperative. Women soundless do the horticultural activities inwards rural areas. Women are faced with the day-to-day running of the house, including cleaning, washing, cooking, fetching water, as well as kid rearing. Women also take jobs inwards monastic say to supply for the family's economical needs, but they take hold assure that the household routine is done either yesteryear themselves before as well as after piece of work or yesteryear someone they employ.
Land Tenure. All solid ground inwards "tribal areas" is nether the command of a "chief who allocates solid ground for residential purposes equally good equally for tillage at a household head's request. Historically, "chief's" had total potency over the incorporation of people into their chiefdoms. However, their roles were fully absorbed into the colonial system, inwards which those roles were reduced to that of a taxation collector; their solid ground was taken away from them.

                                   The deadening paced life of the modern solar daytime Zulu people inwards the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands

 The title chief is no longer acceptable alongside these traditional leaders because it evokes their subjugation nether colonial dominion equally the "bossboys" of an oppressive regime. They prefer to go called yesteryear the Zulu alternativeamakhosi (singular, inkosi). People who alive on farms as well as piece of work for white farmers also take hold limited reach to practise subsistence agriculture for themselves because they piece of work nether controls as well as constraints that relate to their terms of rent as well as remuneration equally farm workers. Urban Zulu dwellers alive nether diverse arrangements of rent, private ownership, as well as charge per unit of measurement payments.

                   Houses inwards KwaZulu-Natal. The circular houses, called rondavels are traditional Zulu houses.


Kin Groups as well as Descent. Surnames are a symbol of identity for individuals as well as families. Surnames include praise names that reverberate the interrelatedness of surnames as well as of import occurrences inwards the history of the Zulu people. People with the same surname in 1 lawsuit belonged to the same localized clan.
Prince Gideon Zulu with younger relative dressed inwards their traditional Zulu attire at the King Shaka Day Celebration inwards Dukuza.

 At the commencement of the twentieth century this residential pattern changed drastically, but when people with the same surname come across for the foremost time, for example, at the aerodrome in Johannesburg, they regard themselves equally existence related. Zulu people uncovering exogamy with immediate relatives of the mother's kin as well as with people who take hold the same surname equally their mothers.

                              zulu men
At the commencement of the twenty-first century, nuclear families were the most mutual operational units of kin. Children depend on their parents equally long equally they are non married as well as are non economically independent. The extended seat unit of measurement is of import for economical assistance as well as on ritual as well as ceremonial occasions. Matrilineal kin are also vital as well as are expected to appear at of import ceremonies involving a fille or sister's children. Children born to single women belong to the mothers' kin.

                    Some of the to a greater extent than of import ladies (chiefs as well as Kings wives) at the Zulu Reed Dance at Enyokeni

Kinship Terminology. Kinship terminology for the nuclear seat unit of measurement includes the next terms: umama for mother, ubaba for father, udadewethu sister, umfowethu brother, undodakazi for daughter, and undodana son. This is the terminology sometimes used yesteryear people inwards recognition of their respective ages equally they interact. In-laws utilization the same terms modified to betoken the affinal nature of the relationship.
                                                 Zulu adult woman at valley of 1000 hills

Thus, for a immature adult woman who has married into some other household, her husband's woman parent is called her mamezala even though inwards her usual address she volition telephone remember her mama. Her husband's begetter is ubabezala even though when addressing him she volition telephone remember him baba. Other terms of honor to refer to a sister/sister-in-law as well as a brother/brother-in-law aresisi and bhuti, respectively. These terms may take hold originated from other languages, but they are popularly used equally a sign of honor for people 1 does non want to advert categorically yesteryear name. Cousins telephone remember each other mzala or gazi, with the latter term existence used mostly alongside parallel cousins related through their mothers.

                                                               Kings men  of Zulu

 One's father's blood brother is called bab'omkhulu or bab'omncane, depending on whether he is older or younger than one's father. One's father's sis is called babekazi although the English linguistic communication derived anti gained inwards popularity at the commencement of the twentieth century. On the mother's side, one's mother's sisters are calledmam'khulu or mam'ncane according to whether they are older or younger. The mother's blood brother is calledmalume. The mother's blood brother calls his sister's child mshana. Male grandparents, whether patrilineal or matrilineal, are called ugogo for grandmother and umkhulu for grandfather. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 man's in-laws are umukhwe for his wife's father, umkhwekazi for her mother, and umlamu or usibali for his wife's siblings.
Zulu passages of rites (initiation)
o Ukwemula/ umemulo Ceremony
           President Jacob Zuma's daughters Duduzile Zuma, right, as well as Phumzile Zuma attend their uMemulo (coming of age) ceremony at the Zuma homestead on Apr 21 inwards Nkandla inwards Kwa-Zulu Natal.
The Ukwemula ceremony takes seat when a fille desires her marriageable province to go  formally  recognized yesteryear her father. The ceremony indicates approbation as well as permission yesteryear the begetter to the fille to go married. When a fille desires her province of readiness for matrimony to go recognized, the girl‟s mother, via the  amaqhikiza,reports this to the begetter as well as the ceremony is arranged. This ceremony is restricted to older girls who had chosen non to indulge inwards gender activity before marriage, but at nowadays wishing to seek their fathers‟ permission to acquire into into serious relationships with a persuasion to marriage.

                                                Zulu Maidens
It tin only take seat if the fille had behaved according to custom as well as had abstained from sex. Zulu girls, inwards general, wishing to print their fathers, as well as for that reason, they mostly  behave themselves  in monastic say to earn their fathers‟ approval. The ceremony is an indication that the fille who has reached a marriageable historic period of time obeys custom as well as respects her parents yesteryear seeking their permission for courtship.  The ceremony represents populace recognition of her readiness to go courted inwards monastic say to acquire into into a matrimony that is blessed yesteryear her parents‟ as well as other seat unit of measurement members.
 President Jacob Zuma's fille Duduzile during her uMemulo (coming of age) ceremony at the Zuma homestead inwards Nkandla on Apr 21, 2011 inwards Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. (Photo yesteryear Dominicus Times/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
The main  function  of this ceremony is that is marks a transitional period of time from childhood to adulthood as well as acknowledges the father‟s knowledge virtually of what is happening to his daughter. It is a precious fourth dimension for the fille equally it marks the dot of transition from girlhood to adulthood, courtship as well as eventual motherhood, blessed yesteryear parents as well as community.
If to a higher seat custom was soundless mostly respected yesteryear the electrical current Zulu youths, it would take hold  prevented  many of the problems related to teen-aged girls today.    In olden times, the ukwemula was the foremost stair to take when a fille felt that she was ready to go married.
The Umemulo (coming of age) ceremony is a celebration period of time for the fille who has met the human whom she wants to get married as well as it also celebrates her expert behaviour inwards abstaining from premarital gender activity as well as inwards seeking her parents‟ permission as well as approbation with regard to marriage. This ceremony has an of import business office inwards Zulu culture as it contributes to avoiding unwanted pregnancies. 

                                    Umemulo ceremony at Inanda,SA

The „coming of age‟ ceremony „umemulo‟ is an of import stair for whatever immature fille taking her from childhood into womanhood. Umemulo is similar to a Western 21st birthday as well as is a way for parents to demo their love for a immature fille as well as payoff her for her faithful obedience. Before the ceremony the fille is traditionally supposed to spend, at least, a calendar week indoors as well as no 1 must consider her, non fifty-fifty her woman parent as well as father. While inwards seclusion, the girls from surrounding areas volition come upwardly during the nighttime to trip the calorie-free fantastic with her, traditionally, until the in conclusion solar daytime when they pass the whole nighttime dancing until dawn. By about 4 am they go to the river as well as cleanse themselves.

                                       Umemulo initiates cleansing themselves inwards a river.

Only thereafter, her begetter as well as other people around are allowed to consider such a girl. Dancing commences as well as guests bring together inwards the ceremony. When guests come upwardly as well as bring together the ceremony the fille (who the ceremony is all about) points a pike (umkhonto) at guests as well as they pin gifts of coin to the garment on her head.
                                                            Umemulo solo dance
Also newspaper coin donated yesteryear parents, seat unit of measurement members, friends as well as the community is pinned onto the girls‟ pilus garments during the ukwemula or umemulo ceremonies.  This firstly serves the practical purpose of assisting her financially as well as getting her trousseau started as well as secondly, it signifies the wishes of her community for wealth as well as physical blessings to accompany her inwards hereafter married life.

                              Umemulo ceremony
This ceremony cannot go viewed or witnessed except during the fourth dimension when a sure enough girl‟s ceremony is organized. In other words 1 cannot go to the museums or elsewhere to witness an enactment of the ceremony.  This ceremony is seldom witnessed yesteryear people exterior the community.

                            Umemulo trip the calorie-free fantastic                                               
o Umhlanga (The Reed Ceremony)
                                       Zulu maiden`s undergoing virginity test

Like the ukwemula as well as umemulo ceremonies, the reed ceremony involves immature teenage women.  The ceremony takes seat in 1 lawsuit a twelvemonth on the mo Sabbatum of September at the King‟s palaces which are situated at Nyokeni as well as Nongoma.
                              Reed Dancing Virgins
The festival takes its call from the riverbed reeds which are carried yesteryear the maidens inwards a procession several kilometers long as well as presented to the Rex inwards the Royal Enclosures. The Reed Dance is a solemn occasion for the teenagers but it is also an chance to demo off their singing, dancing as well as beadwork – the fruits of many, months of excitement as well as preparation. Beadwork abounds as well as it is oftentimes the only article of apparel so maidens wear. The business office of this ceremony is to encourage single girls to comport good as well as for this argue a virginity seek is carried out to ensure that they are chaste.
                                         Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini`s married adult woman as well as 2 daughters

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During the ceremony, girls are expected to harvest reeds yesteryear paw as well as non to utilization whatever musical instrument for the cutting. If the reed cracks when it is severed, it implies that that particular fille has had sexual intercourse with a human before. The entire thought behind the ceremony is to emphasize the importance of chastity for girls prior to marriage. The fearfulness of populace exposure as well as the want to conform to the peer grouping (which displays its pursuit of chastity through participation inwards the ceremony), strongly motivates the girls to abstain from gender activity prior to marriage.
The procession is normally led yesteryear princesses from the Royal Family who are the foremost to acquaint their reeds to the king, who is flanked yesteryear a total regiment of Zulu traditional leaders. The older matrons, who oversee the lawsuit as well as instruct the immature girls inwards their preparation for womanhood, are exactly equally colourfully dressed with ornate headdresses as well as cowhide skirts.
During this ceremony, girls are also expected non to comprehend their breasts as well as buttocks. The vagina, however, is covered yesteryear the isigege, which is made of beads. The ceremony takes seat before a large crowd comprising of seat unit of measurement members, community members as well as whosoever wishes to attend, with no exception. 
Girls, who are suspected of having had sexual intercourse, are humiliated together with their parents if they attend the ceremony equally many men who are wishful to acquire married attend the ceremony inwards monastic say to take their partners inwards public. This ceremony is, therefore, an of import lawsuit inwards the procedure of selecting a partner with a persuasion to marriage.

                                Maiden`s buttocks wind for Reed Dance

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In recent times the Zulu King has used the Reed Dance equally an chance to address social issues most affecting the youth of South Africa such equally HIV/AIDS as well as teenage pregnancy. Anybody who wishes to witness this ceremony, volition take hold to attend it at Enyokeni on the mo Sabbatum of September. This ceremony is unique as well as is non enacted anywhere.
             Virgins at the Reed Dance
                                                     Zulu Swazi princess at Reed Dance

o The Tying of the Topknot Ceremony

This ceremony is similar to the Ukwemula ceremony, with the difference that it is a ceremony involving engaged women on the brink of marriage.
 During this ceremony, the fille wears a „topknot‟ (inhloko or isicholo), whereas with the umemulo ceremony no top-knot is worn.Like the umemulo ceremomy, the top-knot ceremony tin only go witnessed inwards real. It takes seat anytime of the year. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 tourist wishing to witness the ceremony, volition take hold to attend it, equally in that location are no enactments.
Initiation Ceremonies for Boys
 are the largest South African ethnic grouping Info For You ZULU PEOPLE: AFRICA`S WARRIOR PEOPLE FROM THE SKY
 As component subdivision of the annual foremost fruits ceremony, Zulu warriors endeavour to kill a bull with their bare hands at the royal palace inwards Nongoma
Like the girls, boys take hold their ain ceremonies that are organized equally component subdivision of the upbringing process. The most of import of these are the „Feast of the First Fruits‟ as well as the „Grouping-up‟ ceremony.

                           Umkhosi Wokweshwama/The First Fruit 
o The Feast of the First Fruits Ceremony (umkhosi omncane)
This ceremony plays a major role inwards boyhood development. It is a pivotal festival of thanksgiving to the Ancestral Spirits equally it is an appeal to them, through prayer as well as sacrifice, for continued protection as well as assistance to the boys.

                                     The traditional Zulu foremost fruit rituals/Doloqina Ukweshwama
It is also a thanksgiving to God for the boys as well as appeal to Unkulunkulu to protect as well as assist them. As presently equally a man child starts having dreams of a sexual nature as well as starts ejaculating, he is supposed to written report this to his peers, who, inwards turn, volition written report it to members of the family.  The seat unit of measurement so arranges for him to participate inwards the side yesteryear side First Fruits Ceremony.The ceremony is an acknowledgement of the boys‟ readiness for marriage.
For 3 days as well as 3 nights during Nov to January, inwards all royal kraals, the chiefs as well as their subjects participate inwards dancing, singing traditional hymns as well as inwards praising the ancestral spirits. They also beseech the Great, Great One to protect the crops from hail, drought, insects as well as diseases. On the concluding solar daytime of Umkhosi the worshipers get together at the royal cattle-fold to witness the climax of the ceremony,namely a struggle betwixt a vehement bull as well as a grouping of unarmed warriors. The bull collapses at the terminate of the battle, beaten senseless yesteryear a hail of clenched fists. It is so stabbed to expiry yesteryear the chief‟s witch-doctors. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 dandy feast follows this.

                                  the Umkhosi Wokweshwama ceremony
It is realized that this ceremony could potentially go viewed negatively yesteryear tourists especially those who experience strongly virtually beast rights. In Espana bullfights take hold mostly lost its appeal to tourists. More late the Zulu Rex has been challenged inwards the South African High courtroom regarding this ceremony. The Court ruled that human rights associated with civilization weighed to a greater extent than than the rights of animals. 
 are the largest South African ethnic grouping Info For You ZULU PEOPLE: AFRICA`S WARRIOR PEOPLE FROM THE SKY
              Young men (Amabutho) Killing the bull with their hands During the Ceremony.
The Grouping-up Ceremony (ukubuthwa)
This ceremony acknowledges that the grouping of boys inwards interrogation has at nowadays reached maturity as well as that they volition no longer go expected to appear after cattle but are recognised equally adults. It marks a fourth dimension for them to paw over their cattle-tending duties to the younger boys.

                     Zulu immature men killing the cattle with their bare hand
This annual ceremony takes seat after the „Feast of the foremost Fruits‟. The boys for whom the ceremony is held are grouped together inwards regiments, which volition each have a special collective name. This is an ancient custom which goes dorsum really far inwards history.

Examples of such a grouping are regiments of the King known as
Uphondo lwendlovu formed inwards 1925 and Intaba Yezulu formed inwards 1933.39) Following
the ceremony a man child is allowed to start proposing to women inwards monastic say to marry
 The Traditional Attire
The Zulus have on traditional attire during sure enough traditional ceremonies, e.g. memuloand weddings. The married women have on a pare cloth (isidwaba) as well as topknot (isicholo or inhloko) as well as beadwork, whereas men have on amabheshu, izinene as well as other items including a headring.

Makoti Zulu attire
It is thence possible to seat specific Zulu ceremonies yesteryear observing the traditional attire which is worn. 

                       President Jacob Zuma as well as his married adult woman inwards traditional Zulu attire

Marriage as well as Family

Marriage. Monogamous matrimony is mutual alongside the Zulu, fifty-fifty though historically polygamy was encouraged. Polygamy is soundless practiced, peculiarly inwards rural KwaZulu-Natal. Postmarital residence is patrilocal, as well as a adult woman oftentimes adopts the identity of the household into which she has married fifty-fifty though inwards daily communication she is called yesteryear the surname or call of her begetter with the prefix Ma- added. Children belong to their father's lineage.
 are the largest South African ethnic grouping Info For You ZULU PEOPLE: AFRICA`S WARRIOR PEOPLE FROM THE SKY
 The Zulu value marriage, as well as the procedure of getting married involves a host of expensive exchanges, with bride-wealth existence the main feature, making divorce difficult.

                                                  Zulu  married couples
The Traditional Zulu Wedding (udwendwe).
o Preparations for the Wedding
The foremost as well as most of import prerequisite of the wedding ceremony is that the bridegroom must take hold paid the dowry to the bride‟s father. The wedding ceremony cannot take seat if the groom has non paid his lobola inwards full. The ceremony that marks the passing of cattle from the prospective groom‟s grouping to the bride-to-be‟s grouping is called lobola, as well as the primary motive behind the central is to cement the friendship betwixt the 2 families.

                               Zulu wedding

 Furthermore, lobola compensates for the loss of the daughter, equally the begetter receives something inwards homecoming of dandy value, namely 10 heads of cattle. An eleventh moo-cow goes to the bride‟s woman parent for her personal use. The purpose of lobola  is thence two-fold:  firstly  it cements the friendship betwixt 2 families as well as  secondly it  compensates for the loss of a fille as well as the domestic labour that she represents.

                        Sending the Lobola to the bride`s parents
When the bride is virtually to leave of absence her seat for marriage, a beast known equally ukuncamisa or inkomo yokucola is slaughtered as well as its gall is poured over her face, arms as well as legs inwards monastic say to grade the changes that are to take seat with regard to her belonging. The beast to go slaughtered is taken from the lobola cattle as well as the purpose of the gall poured over her is to inform the ancestors that the fille is leaving her seat unit of measurement as well as volition go getting married, which volition have a novel surname (isibongo) equally a result. This is also the fourth dimension when the fille realises that leaving her seat unit of measurement is at nowadays a reality. 
Beautiful Zulu fille with hut hairstyle. Circa 1925
Before the  marriage,  the fille  leaves her  umuzi (kraal) piece indicating to her relatives, friends as well as neighbours that she is virtually to get married as well as that she expects gifts.  This process, called ukucimela, assists the fille to greet as well as leave of absence behind her relatives as well as friends so equally to acquire into a novel life. The gifts she receives betoken that they wishing her well. In monastic say to demo her appreciation, she is expected to cimela to all of them. The  cimela lessens the pressure level of seat unit of measurement as well as friends of individually giving expensive gifts as well as makes it easier for those who do non take hold plenty for themselves.

                                   Zulu bride
The solar daytime before she leaves her father‟s home, the immature bride accompanies her begetter on a walk through the cattle byre, to say good daytime to her ancestors, equally they play a really of import role inwards the lives of the Zulus. The daughter‟s begetter is to take responsibleness for the daughter‟s interaction with  the ancestors, which  is to  take place the solar daytime before her departure. 

                        Zulu adult woman existence taken to seat of divergence with traditional dance
One solar daytime before the actual wedding ceremony ceremony, the novel bride, accompanied yesteryear her friends leaves her seat covered only inwards a blanket to betoken to the groom as well as his seat unit of measurement that she is bidding good daytime to her old life as well as starting a novel one. It should go noted that all practices inwards Zulu custom take hold symbolical meaning. The nakedness of the bride(except for the blanket) shows that she is at nowadays leaving her childhood life inwards preparation for the wedding ceremony that is to take seat equally good equally the married seat unit of measurement life which is to follow.

                                             Zulu wedding ceremony dance

o The Attire for the Wedding
                                                                  Zulu groom`s attire
At the wedding, the bride remains inwards the centre of the party, hidden from persuasion as well as dressed inwards her novel isidwaba. She wears caput ornaments containing white oxtails (amashoba) on her arms as well as the  imvakazi,  a  bead decorated veil  of cloth, concealing her human face upwardly but soundless enabling her to see.

                                    President Zuma`s married adult woman (C) inwards typical Zulu bride`s dress

 Her attire distinguishes the bride from the repose of the people inwards the ceremony, the veil existence associated with the hlonipha custom.

                              South African president Jacob Zuma inwards typical Zulu wedding ceremony dress
The bride wears ornamental ropes of twisted calfskin as well as beadwork strung inwards a curl over her shoulders as well as nether her arms. Bands of white cow-tail fringes are worn around both arms as well as around the ankles. On her right wrist, she wears the distended gall bladder of the caprine animal which was slaughtered before she left her father‟s kraal.
 The gall bladder on the wrist also  distinguishes her  from  guests  at the wedding ceremony ceremony. The bride is furthermore ornamented with diverse patterns of beadwork roofing her breasts as well as wears a plume of dark fink tail feathers on her head. She carries a curt assegai or knife inwards her right paw as well as points this to her husband-to-be piece dancing, signifying that she is a virgin.

                                             Zulu wedding ceremony Dance
In her left hand, the bride carries the ihawu.It should go noted that the assegai mentioned before on is carried together with the ihawu - a Zulu shield made from cattle skin. Shields are used yesteryear men for defence when inwards battle or when fighting. It is farther used yesteryear men as well as women when Zulu dancing takes place. 

 One is reminded of a warrior who carries both these defence items signifying that the bride has fought many battles as well as take hold overcome many problems inwards monastic say to get married as well as that she is prepared to contend many to a greater extent than inwards her hereafter after marriage. It is said that the ihawu as well as assegai grade victory over problems that could take hold thwarted her matrimony as well as at the wedding ceremony she dances to celebrate this victory.

               South African President Jacob Zuma as well as his 5th married adult woman doing the traditional wedding ceremony dance
The groom is adorned with the regalia of his forefathers, namely a  head band of chetah skin, which is worn only yesteryear married men, denoting the condition equivalent to that of the caput of a village. Like the bride, the groom volition grip an ihawu inwards his left paw as well as a knobkierrie or oxtail inwards his right hand. His torso is ornamented with spangles of brilliant beadwork strung (ucu) around his cervix as well as waist. The groom is the only someone who wears this specific attire at the ceremony as well as it is thus piece of cake to seat him. Should a tourist wishing to consider the colourful Zulu cultural attire, the Zulu traditional wedding ceremony provides the perfect chance to do so.

                    Zulu groom as well as his white married adult woman inwards their traditional wedding ceremony dress
Domestic Unit. The typical domestic unit of measurement includes a man, his married adult woman or wives, as well as their children. In some households the parents of the human shape component subdivision of the unit of measurement equally the most senior household members as well as direct most of the activities of the household.

 Even though frowned upon, out-of-wedlock births are becoming prevalent inwards KwaZulu-Natal. Single mothers tend to remain with their matrilineal relatives. Their children adopt matrilineal identity since no bride-wealth was paid yesteryear the fathers' kin group.
                                 Portrait of a immature Zulu tribe adult woman inwards the streets of Johannesburg
Inheritance. Inheritance of belongings is along the patrilineal line. Inheritance of of import positions such equally a "chiefship" follows the pattern of primogeniture.
                                                                   Zulu woman
Socialization. Children are socialized to adhere to the sectionalization of labor that associates women with running the within of the occupation solid as well as men with managing the economic, outside, as well as populace relations of the household.

                                                          Zulu kid inwards a village,cooling off

The schoolhouse (and later tertiary pedagogy institutions for those who tin afford them) occupies the lives of boys as well as girls. Different stages of a person's life are marked yesteryear ceremonial occasions which assist inwards the internalization of novel roles.
                                                   Zulu men inwards their traditional attire

Sociopolitical Organization

Social Organization. Social condition is traditionally encapsulated inwards honor for kinship positions as well as leadership. Just equally in that location is honor for the household caput as well as patrilineal kin, in that location is full general honor for men equally the principal carriers of identity as well as tremendous honor for the inkos ("chief) as well as his kin equally the royal household of the chiefdom.
                                              Zulu hamlet principal (inkosi)

Socioeconomic inequality is caused yesteryear differential access to monetary resources inwards a capitalist economy. Economic differentiation coexists with unlike lifestyles: a traditional Zulu lifestyle reflected inwards religion, wearing apparel code, as well as a defiant mental attitude toward Western standards as well as mannerisms as well as an alternative Western competitive capitalist lifestyle. However, in that location are no pure Zulus as well as no consummate Western converts.

                                                            Zulu man

Political Organization. The Zulu take hold a monarch who commands honor from a large number of people who alive nether the immediate potency of their amakhosi ("chief's"). Amakhosi pay honor to the Rex yesteryear aid the House of Traditional Leaders as well as mobilize back upwardly for festivities organized yesteryear the king.

Swaziland’s King Mswati III (a Zulu) (c.) as well as Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini (l.) attend the annual reed trip the calorie-free fantastic inwards Ludzidzini, Swaziland, inwards 2005, where immature girls perform a trip the calorie-free fantastic after days of gathering reeds to acquaint to the king. The annual reed trip the calorie-free fantastic gives Mr. Mswati the chance to take some other married adult woman should he so wish.

The "chief's" take hold subdivisions (izigodi) within the chiefdoms, which are looked after yesteryear headmen (izinduna). In some chiefdoms "chief's" take hold additional councilors who, together with headmen, shape component subdivision of what is called the Tribal Authority, which helps the "chief govern. In addition, structures of the democratically elected local authorities administer access to facilities as well as services to all the people inwards KwaZulu-Natal Province. These structures piece of work closely with the provincial government, as well as their human relationship with the 'chief's' is a contentious issue.
                                       Zulu King,Goodwill Zwelithini as well as his wife
Social Control. The Zulu take hold been influenced yesteryear individualism to some extent. Although the older generation boasts of a fourth dimension when disciplining the younger generation was the responsibleness of everyone inwards the community, most people tend to hear their ain business. Institutions such equally the church building as well as the seat unit of measurement take hold limited command of people's behavior, but sanctions are non imposed equally communally equally the older generation has led people to believe. Punishment of specific misbehavior is also a responsibleness of institutions such equally schools, the police, as well as the Tribal Authority (the chief's' construction of governance).

                                        Zulu chieftains

Conflict. Conflict occasionally arose betwixt chiefdoms, peculiarly over boundaries. Colonial solid ground policies as well as relocations exacerbated those conflicts. In the early on twenty-first century such conflicts normally led to feuding betwixt the concerned parties as well as the intervention of other province institutions, such equally the police, the defense forcefulness force, as well as the courts. Other kinds of conflict involved clashes betwixt political parties over political issues. In the precolonial period of time in that location was some conflict betwixt tribes over belongings or boundaries as well as equally a termination of attempts yesteryear some groups to subdue others as well as expand their boundaries, which occasionally involved non-Zulu groups such equally the Xhosa inwards the due south as well as some BaSotho groups.

                                      Zulu Chieftains dancing

Religion as well as Expressive Culture

Religious Beliefs. The Zulu people take hold a strong belief inwards the potency of their ancestors. Their cosmology is characterized by God in diverse forms: uMvelingqangi (a manlike someone god responsible for all life), uNomkhubulwano (a woman someone god who provides nutrient security, peculiarly through expert harvests), as well as a god for the command of weather, peculiarly thunder. Their cosmology also includes ancestors who tin take hold a important positive impact on their families' lives if they are appeased.Especially of import inwards traditional mythology were the ancestors who watched over the people today, equally good equally creatures that were component subdivision human as well as component subdivision lizard. Spirits were also thought to be inwards animals, inwards the wood as well as inwards caves.
                       Zulu men
AMADLOZI were the Zulu ancestors. People tin appeal to the spirit world yesteryear invoking these ancestors.
INKOSAZANA was a woman someone spirit that makes the maize (corn) grow, the goddess of agriculture. She is worshipped inwards the spring.
INTULO was a lizard-like creature with human characteristics.

MAMLAMBO was the goddess of the rivers.

                      Swazi King,Mswati (a zulu) leading the Maidens at Umhlanga (Reed Dance)

MBABA MWANA WARESA was the goddess of rainbows, rain, crops, as well as cultivation. She is also beloved because she gave the gift of beer.
TIKDOSHE is an evil dwarf. It resembles the Chiruwi as well as the Hai-uri (one arm, 1 leg, 1 side), as well as likes to fight humans. Losing against Tikdoshe tin hateful expiry for the humans, but victory tin give a human dandy magical powers.
                Zulu adult woman with a unique tribal facial marks
UHLAKANYANA was a mythical dwarf as well as trickster.
UMVELINQANGI was the sky god who descended from sky as well as married Uthlanga. In some versions of the creation story, he created the reeds that Unkulunkulu came from. He shows himself to people equally thunder and earthquakes.
UNKULUNKULU (sometimes spelled Nkulunkulu) was the creator of all things. He grew out of a reed as well as when he became likewise heavy he roughshod to earth. This word also agency "ancestor" inwards the Zulu language.
UNWABA was a mythical chameleon. He was sent yesteryear the Sky God to tell the people as well as creatures of the earth that they had immortal life. Because he was likewise deadening the people as well as creatures of world did non go immortal after all. Chameleons plow from dark-green to brownish because they are pitiable that Unwaba was likewise slow.
UTHLANGA (sometimes spelled Uhlanga) was a large mythical marsh with reeds inwards the North, from which the creation came into existence. 
The Zulu cosmology also includes the potency of the natural world, peculiarly herbs as well as animals when made into umuthi (medicine), which tin go used or abused to impact people negatively or positively. This is done mainly inwards the realm of traditional medicine.
                                                  Goodwill Zwelithini, King of the Zulus
Christianity has significantly influenced the Zulu. The bulk of the Zulu combine traditional religious beliefs with Christianity; in that location are also those who profess to go alone converted to Christianity, mostly those who adhere to the evangelical Christian traditions.

                             Zulu diviners
Religious Practitioners. The Zulu faith is essentially household-based. It is characterized yesteryear an obligation yesteryear household heads to fulfill the necessary ceremonial rituals. These ceremonies oftentimes require the sacrifice of domestic animals (usually goats) as well as addressing the ancestors yesteryear burning impepho, an incense herb.
                                                             Zulu diviner
There are African indigenous churches that combine aspects of Western Christianity with Zulu ways of communicating with ancestors. These churches take hold priests as well as healers who dedicate themselves to these practices for the do goodness of the people who consult them. Diviners take hold traditionally existed alongside the Zulu as well as diagnose the causes of illnesses as well as misfortunes. The diagnosis oftentimes relates to dissatisfied ancestors or evil manipulation of umuthi for harmful effects (witchcraft).
Arts. The Zulu are known for pottery. The fine art of making as well as decorating pots remains an of import science for Zulu women. Bead piece of work as well as grass as well as palm weaving are also essential arts as well as crafts. Skill as well as inventiveness determine the extent of fame of an artist. Artistic woodcarving yesteryear men is done inwards some parts of KwaZulu-Natal.
Zulu man

Medicine. Medicine takes 2 forms. First, in that location is the form of medicine that targets physical ailments as well as deals with the physiological problems of the human body. Second, in that location is medicine that works magically to create a negative or positive impact on those toward whom it is directed. This type of medicine is used to a greater extent than similar a weapon as well as is oftentimes implicated inwards the acts of animosity people degree against each other. Zulu people utilization Western medical practitioners equally well, but the human relationship betwixt the 2 systems of healing is non characterized yesteryear mutual respect. However, most Zulu people utilization both systems, depending on what they perceive to go the source of their problems.
Maidens at Umhlanga (Reed dance)

Zulu Healing
Healing alongside the Zulu pump around uMvelinqangi (God), the amadlozi (ancestors),nature as well as a person’s connection to these spiritual forces inwards a deep as well as profound manner. This someone is called a traditional healer within the Western concept of specialists. The traditional healer has e'er been a someone of dandy honor inwards the community, a medium with the amadlozi (ancestors) as well as uMvelinqangi (the foremost Creator) (Ngubane, 1977). 
Zulu traditional healer

Traditional healers connect with the presence of uMvelinqangi (the First Creator) that be within the universe as well as iradiate the aspect of that which operates inwards opposition to uMvelinqangi. The healer either presents nub inwards the shape of medicine or provides a healing surroundings (divination) for uMveliqangi to go fully expressed within the sick someone as well as community.

 Persons who see the traditional healer are required to engage inwards specific communally beneficial ways next inwards one’s elbow grease to restore monastic say as well as residual within self as well as the community. Because uMvelinqangiexists within everything, the healer must simply connect with the universal forcefulness to manifest the total powerfulness of uMvelinqangi. This procedure volition empower the sick someone (or empower the powerful collective presence within the person) piece concomitantly over powering the destructive forces exterior of the person. Throughout history traditional healers take hold played a plethora of roles within Zulu society, such as:
(1) Diviner/priest, accepted medium with amadlozi/abaphansi (ancestral shades) as well as the uMvelinqangi (First Creator), religious caput of society, prominent at all major umsenbezi (rituals);
(2) Protector as well as provider of customs, sociocultural cohesion as well as transformation, legal arbiter at populace divinations, ecologist as well as rainmaker; and
(3) Specialists inwards preventive, primitive as well as therapeutic medicine including the utilization of traditional pharmacology (Edwards, 1987).

Traditional healers

According to Buckland as well as Binger (1992), Zulu practitioners of divination, sorcery, as well as healing
autumn into the next categories:
1. Sanusis - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 sorcerer, who tin go manlike someone or woman someone but is mostly male; the championship is
sometimes applied to a healer.
2. Znyange Zokwelapha - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 healer.
3. Znyanga Zemithi - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 specialist inwards tribal medicine.
4. Znyanga Zezulu - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 weather condition worker.
5. Sangoma - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 counselor or diviner; normally woman someone sometimes male.

Edwards (1987) suggests that in that location are 3 broad overlapping categories of traditional healers inwards South Afrika i.e. inyanga (traditional doctor/herbalist) isangoma (diviner/counselor), as well as umthandazi (faith healer). For this discussion, nosotros volition utilization these 3 categories of healers. The inyanga is normally a manlike someone who has gone through a period of time of grooming with an accomplished inyanga for at to the lowest degree 1 year. Inyangas typically utilization amakhambi (herbal medicines) for immunization, tonic as well as preventative measures, torso cleanser, laxatives, etc.
When amamkhubalo (herbal medicines) are used for umsenbezi (ritual), color classification of the medicine as well as fourth dimension of solar daytime as well as flavor of direction go significant. 
The colors of the medicines are imithi emnyama (black medicine), imithi ebomvu (red medicine) as well as imithi emhlophe (white medicine). Amakhubalo (herbal medicine) is organized according to color are:
1. Ubulawu – Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 liquid medicine used across all colors.
2. Insizi – Powdered herbs, roots or beast medicine that is e'er used equally a dark medicine to draw out an illness.

3. Intelezi – Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 liquid medicine used equally a white medicine to homecoming liberate from imperfections often
after sickness is taken out with a blood-red or dark medicine.
Here nosotros consider that the Zulu operate inwards harmony with nature as well as the universe, as well as that diverse aspects of color contain the powerfulness for healing. To farther illustrate this harmonious human relationship with nature, in that location are sure enough herbs that are extracted only inwards the morning, day, level or night. It is believed that the total healing powerfulness is manifested at specific universe fourth dimension periods as well as 1 must approach that herb at the proper fourth dimension that uMvelinqangi has bestowed upon it with its total power.

The side yesteryear side traditional healer is called isangoma. This healer is normally a adult woman who shares knowledge of medicine with the inyanga (herb doctor). Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 someone is chosen yesteryear the spiritual realm to go a sangoma after an ukuthwasa (life transforming experience).
 It is during the ukuthwasa (transforming experience such equally a seizure or nigh expiry experience) that the someone communicates with entities of the spiritual realm that inform her/him what s/he needs to do. Following the experience, the someone goes to study nether an accomplished isangoma who diagnoses illnesses through communicating with the amadlozi (ancestral shades). Buckland as well as Binger state:
The sangoma divines using a laid of objects that take hold special pregnant or energy. After an apprentice spends fourth dimension with an established sangoma, s/he begins to develop her/his ain style…collects a handbag of oracle bones…from animals or other materials…in twos, representing manlike someone as well as woman someone (1992, p. 77).
Khekhekhe with a python.
Khekhekhe performs his ritual with a diversity of snakes. This happens in 1 lawsuit a twelvemonth as well as y'all are welcome to go along with the Zululand Backpackers inwards Eshowe.
The roles for an inyanga as well as a isangoma remain distinct as well as complimentary. The sangoma is consulted to determine the etiology of a problem. After the have of an illness has been determined, so the sangoma refers the someone to medical handling from some other practitioner.
Both the inyanga as well as isangoma are component subdivision of a populace imisebenzi (ritual) as well as the Nomkhubulwane ceremony for girls. Nomkhubulwane is the foremost princess as well as the fille of uNunkulunkulu (the Great Grandfather). 
Sangoma as well as her assistant

The Nomkhubulwane ceremony is a rites of passage ceremony that functions equally a reintroduction inwards the Zulu community to assist with addressing the AIDS crisis that is occurring inwards South Afrika. The traditional healers non only inform the girls of their purpose inwards life, they also assist the fille know how to hold expert health. In this instance the traditional healers are curative as well as preventative. Since in that location is a high premium placed on being
a virgin, the healers imisebenzi (ritual) serves to influence as well as cut down the charge per unit of measurement of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) piece providing insight into nutrient selection, preparation, as well as consumption.

The 3rd traditional healer has evolved late with the influx of people moving from the rural to urban areas. The umthandazi (faith healer) has go an intricate component subdivision of the combination of traditional Afrikan faith as well as Christianity. They are found primarily within the Zionist as well as Apostolic churches of the cities. The umthandazi has the powerfulness to prophesize, heal as well as divine using prayer, holy water, baths, enemas as well as steaming baths.

traditional healer

Traditional healers cure as well as heal sickness as well as disorders including:
 Ufufunyane – spirit possession attributed to ubuthakati (sorcery to destroy).
 Idliso – poisoning attributed to ubuthakati (sorcery to destroy).
 Umeqo – disorder attributed to stepping over the harmful creation of a sorcerer.
Symptoms include really painful joints or edema of the ankles.
 Uvalo – anxiety attributed to sorcery aimed at lowering the defenses.

traditional healers

 Umnyama – experiencing illness or adversity because of contact with places or people
right away associated with major life as well as expiry events (e.g. birth, death, sexual
intercourse, menstruation.
 Umkhondo omubi – a unsafe runway or ecological wellness run a peril such equally lightening.

traditional healer

Death as well as Afterlife. Death is regarded equally a fourth dimension of tremendous loss. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 expiry yesteryear illness is treated differently from a expiry yesteryear "a tumble of blood." Accidents as well as expiry yesteryear murder are regarded equally deaths yesteryear "a tumble of blood," as well as medicinal healing is expected to accompany the funerals inwards these cases inwards monastic say to halt such misfortune (ukuvala umkhokha). Generally, deaths are considered polluting, as well as diverse rituals as well as ceremonies must go observed to slow take the impurity. These rituals also serve to gradually shipping the deceased into the side yesteryear side world.

Zulu (amaZulu) Ancestors as well as Ritual Exchange
One of the fundamental ideas inwards ancestral-based religions, such equally that of the Zulu, or amaZulu (a to a greater extent than accurate term), is that of the life-force, essence or liberate energy which exists inwards all animate as well as inanimate phenomenon, including animals, plants, as well as diverse geographical or fifty-fifty atmospheric features. This life-force is inwards constant circulation as well as although it is indestructible it may go converted, exchanged as well as utilized inwards unlike ways yesteryear humans, for expert or bad intent. The next concern human relationship describes these dynamics inwards the context of Zulu notions of the ancestral as well as spirit worlds.
                                Zulu women
According to Harriet Ngubane, the Zulu collective term for all the departed spirits is amathongo. Zulus believe that when a someone dies the life-force exits the torso inwards the shape of a shadow, or spirit, known equally isithunzi. The spirit enters a liminal stage where it is “betwixt as well as between” the living as well as the ancestral worlds. Among the Zulu, sure enough tasks take hold to go performed yesteryear living members of the agnatic (male) kin grouping to assist acquire these spirits empowered, purified as well as “cleaned,” inwards monastic say that they may bring together the benevolent ancestral torso (amadlozi) that has an of import role inwards protecting as well as guiding descendants. 
This normally involves a serial of sacrificial rituals that should go performed after a sure enough lapse of fourth dimension (usually within a year) after physical death. The concluding ritual of incorporation of a departed spirit, known equally ukubuyisa, signifies the homecoming of the ancestor (idlozi) to the home. Departed individuals who take hold lived expert moral lives as well as attained the condition of elderberry are regarded equally the most active of the amadlozi, equally they are the most concerned with the well-being of the living. Typically it is believed that a person's deceased parents, grandparents, as well as great-grandparents are to a greater extent than interested inwards their descendants, although the to a greater extent than remotely distant ancestors are regarded equally participating at rituals held inwards their accolade as well as tin soundless influence as well as take hold involvement inwards the affairs of the living.

 The ancestors are regarded equally existence acquaint inwards the homestead as well as should go treated with honor befitting that of elders. They should go kept informed of whatever events as well as changes that take hold occurred within the homestead, such equally a modify of seat unit of measurement residence, piece of work or fortunes. They should go actively informed of all the “life crisis” stages that require “rites of passage,” such equally the nativity of children, attainment of adolescence as well as adulthood, matrimony as well as death. 
They tin go consulted for advice as well as guidance on whatever job facing the seat unit of measurement as well as they are seen to human activity equally a protective forcefulness against evil. In their purified province they are seen equally existence closed to God as well as inwards the context of Christianity they are oftentimes equated with the angels, who take hold the powerfulness to straight appeal to God on behalf of the living. When they are forgotten they are regarded equally no longer having adequate strength to protect the living as well as they withdraw their support, leaving the seat unit of measurement vulnerable to assail yesteryear hostile forces. However they do non disappear as well as their potential to intervene e'er exists, should the appropriate steps go taken yesteryear the living to empower them.

Zulu Hats - Zulu Headdress

Human Hair & Fabric Hats worn yesteryear Zulu Women

A Celebration of Zulu Creativity - Isicolo\

Some Background


                                            Mariann Hill Monastery                                                     Circa 19th Century Postcard                

Throughout the 19th century - Zulu women sported coiffures that protruded upwards from the dorsum of the head.


Postcards - Circa 1920
The coiffures were prestigious, admired as well as inwards some cases, upwardly to a meter long.



                                        Slide -  Barbara Tyrrell @ Copyright                                          Photograph yesteryear Barbara Tyrrell @ Copyright

Zulu pilus fashions developed into removable hats equally a termination of European contact.

Slide yesteryear Barbara Tyrrell @ Copyright

Small amounts of human pilus remained a component subdivision of each creation, suggesting that the removable coiffure remained an extension of the persons head.


Zulu Hat number 566.

Zulu Hat number 566 is made of palm fiber, cord, fabric, hard board, ochre as well as human hair.


Photographs yesteryear Barbara Tyrrell @ Copyright

Amounts of beadwork were attached to hats at the occasion of a wedding.


Zulu Hat number 566 includes an atomic number 26 mount.

Women constructed the foundation of the chapeau on a lightweight frame of basketwork. Traditionally Zulu men were the weavers, but yesteryear this fourth dimension so many were working inwards the mines, the project had go woman's work.

Related hats - Zulu Shembe Festival - South African TRIBAL LIFE TODAY - Pg 135

Mid 20th century postcards.

The ease of a hat's removal allowed for the girth of the object to increase, piece the basketry curl technique allowed  the torso to flare.

South African TRIBAL LIFE TODAY - Pages 44 as well as 45 - Photography Jean Morris

As the size of the hats increased, both human pilus as well as knotted or stitched woven stuff were used to comprehend as well as decorate the coiled basketry frame. Hats were attached around the forehead with a band of stuff tied to the rear.

Click either thumbnail for enlargement. 

Zulu chapeau number 8726

Lamb's wool was also used inwards the seat of human hair. Item 8726 to a higher seat is a rare illustration of a combination of human pilus as well as lamb's wool used to comprehend the structure. Note that the mounting technique used inwards our displays, allows the chapeau to go viewed from unlike directions.

Zulu Hat number 577  + - 50 centimetres wide.

The Zulu chapeau to a higher seat represents the largest shape of Zulu human pilus chapeau known to us. In addition, Zulu hats this sparse are rare, equally evidenced to a higher seat right. Even so, basketry piece of work remained coiled grass fibre. Modern Zulu women oftentimes walk with an umbrella to shade them from the sun. During the overlapping fashion period of time that pertains to these large Zulu hats, the demand for an umbrella largely roughshod away. 

Zulu Hat number 579 + - 50 centimetres wide.

Our Zulu hats do non take hold large dark circles, stars or giddy crosses at their centre. This is because nosotros do non invent or tamper with artefacts similar some other dealers. The mentioned markings were NOT traditionally  found on Zulu hats as well as thence are NOT correct.

Zulu Hat number 580 + - 50 centimetres wide.

Larger resolution images of all hats are available on request.

Flared Zulu Human Hair Hat

The Zulu - Alice Mertens Page 48 as well as 44

Fabric Zulu Hats

Zulu Hat number 581 

Over time, human pilus hats gave way to those covered alone with cotton fiber fibre equally above.

Zulu Hat number 581 + - 46 centimetres wide.

Thousands of stitches added strength as well as appeal, piece the inner construction remained sturdy basketry work.

Zulu Hat number 7078

Our large stuff hats are old as well as good used, apparent from the necktie downwards fabric. Though non e'er shown, each Zulu chapeau includes a custom made atomic number 26 stand.

Zulu Hat number 7078

 Slide yesteryear Barbara Tyrrell @ Copyright

Smaller Zulu hats appeared from 1980, as well as were also used at weddings.

Decorative Zulu Hats

A South African  Bus Trailer

They became smaller due to the evolution of South African carry law. Since the foremost one-half of the 20th century, rural as well as local carry had been provided exclusively yesteryear large authorities owned buses or 'bus trailers'. These bus-trailers were for the most component subdivision driven yesteryear white drivers who hauled their dark passengers around. The configuration of the vehicles used is shown above. It physically separated blacks from whites.

Postcard depicting a Zulu adult woman wearing a smaller stuff hat, circa 1980.

The 'inside' story: Twenty 3 people as well as a caprine animal pack into a South African minibus taxi.

From the early on 1980's, all race groups inwards South Africa were allowed to apply for a carry license. At this dot large Zulu hats roughshod out of fashion for practical reasons. With limited space, large hats were un-functional inwards minibus taxis.

                                                            Zulu Hat number 8742                                                                 Zulu Hat number 8643

Our smaller Zulu hats from this period of time are displayed with a dark band mount and  if preferred, easily removed.

Click Thumbnail for Larger Image

Ring Reverse

As with the larger human pilus hats, the mounts were designed to delight the oculus from all directions.

Swaziland Reed Dance -

zulu kids dancing inwards due south africa

Zulu dancers

Umoja at Trafalgar

Zulu Cultural Show - Women Dancing

 are the largest South African ethnic grouping Info For You ZULU PEOPLE: AFRICA`S WARRIOR PEOPLE FROM THE SKY
Swazi Princess Sikhanyiso Dlamini takes component subdivision inwards the annual Reed Dance at Ludzidzini, the royal palace inwards Swaziland


President Zuma as well as 3 of his 5 wives

king Mswati of swaziland

South African President Jacob Zuma performs during the traditional wedding ceremony ceremony for his fille Duduzile Zuma as well as Lonwabo Sambudla, one-time caput of Lembede Investment Holdings, on Apr 23 nigh Mthatha, Eastern Cape.

king Mswati`s wife

Swazi princess holding a staff

Zulu Swazi Princess

Twin sisters at Umhlanga (Reed Dance)

 are the largest South African ethnic grouping Info For You ZULU PEOPLE: AFRICA`S WARRIOR PEOPLE FROM THE SKY
Swazi Princess Sikhanyiso Dlamini takes component subdivision inwards the annual Reed Dance at Ludzidzini, the royal palace inwards Swaziland.

 are the largest South African ethnic grouping Info For You ZULU PEOPLE: AFRICA`S WARRIOR PEOPLE FROM THE SKY
Some of King Mswati's xiii wives (wearing red) leave of absence after joining the maidens for a trip the calorie-free fantastic during the annual Reed Dance at Ludzidzini, the royal palace inwards Swaziland. REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko

 are the largest South African ethnic grouping Info For You ZULU PEOPLE: AFRICA`S WARRIOR PEOPLE FROM THE SKY

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