Spain New Seville's Populace Buildings On Google Maps Mirador - Diputacion de Sevilla is a Google Map showing information close all world owned buildings inwards the Castilian munici… Sunday, June 27, 2021 Add Comment Edit
madrid Spain New Madrid's Tech Companies On Google Maps Madri+d Mapa del Conocimiento is an interesting Google Map of Madrid's research, applied scientific discipline too scientifi… Saturday, April 3, 2021 Add Comment Edit
Spain New Spanish Potholes Spread Worldwide is a Castilian pothole reporting website that seems to cause got taken off worldwide. uses Google Maps… Wednesday, March 31, 2021 Add Comment Edit
Barcelona Spain Styled Maps New Barcelona's Mobile Friendly Websites Map According to Google if smart-phone users accept a wretched mobile browsing sense 61% of them won't catch a website again. To … Saturday, November 21, 2020 Add Comment Edit
economy Spain Styled Maps UK New The Eurozone Crisis On Google Maps In Kingdom of Spain the unemployment charge per unit of measurement is a staggering 25%. Geografia Operativa has created a Go… Sunday, October 18, 2020 Add Comment Edit
events Spain New Spanish Events On Google Maps Planocio Eventos is a actually good designed Castilian events map. My Castilian is terrible, hence it is a will to how good de… Tuesday, May 26, 2020 Add Comment Edit
environment Spain weather New A Decade Of Fires On Google Maps España en llamas (Spain inwards Flames) is a Google Map displaying 10 years of information nearly the place of wood fires inwa… Friday, May 8, 2020 Add Comment Edit
Bike Routes madrid Spain New Cycling Inward Madrid Amongst Google Maps Mapa de la Bici de Madrid is a prissy wheel map for Madrid. As good every 2d showing wheel lanes, recommended roads together wit… Tuesday, May 5, 2020 Add Comment Edit